Our club recognises that the COVID-19 vaccine is not currently a mandatory or statutory requirement and that individuals have the right to refuse. Further to this the Associations & Clubs have a duty of care to encourage and support safe practice, participation, coaching at all levels. One key element in achieving this is the development of robust risk assessments that recognise the additional challenges introduced by COVID-19.
At this stage the club considers that there is a moral obligation for individuals to inform Club Leaders and or Associations that they have not been vaccinated. The reason for non-vaccination is not required and the means of communicating the information in a sensitive and confidential manner are for Associations and or Clubs to determine. This information must only be utilised by Associations and or Clubs to update, amend, improve risk assessments and associated controls to further reduce the risk of infection for the benefit of their participants.
The overarching responsibility of the teachers is their duty of care for the safety of the aikidoka on their mats. We believe this “duty of care” responsibility in this case is the overarching factor.
Accordingly, and specifically with regard to a default management position the following guidelines shall be enforced:
1. Ensure you have signed the ‘Opt-In’ form
2. If you have COVID-19 don’t train
3. Upon recovery (negative test) agree return to training with the Tonbo teachers
4. If you are recently (less that a fortnight) recovered from COVID-19 then test 1 hour before training
5. If you have any cold type symptoms or suspect you have been in contact with anyone who could be sick then test 1 hour before training.
6. Attendee records shall be kept with contact details
7. In the event of a positive test across those attendees training will be suspended for all present until repeated clear tests can be demonstrated
8. Communication with staff at the sports centre must be clear and regular to ensure instances of COVID-19 infections are alerted and assessed
Consideration of options including training in bubbles, by age, vaccine etc. , or you could arrange for separate training times may be considered and shared amongst the members. Ultimately it is the teachers responsibility to risk assess and take the appropriate action that is right for their club.